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Five Great Nations

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Hikarigakure No Sato

One of the largest villages in history. This village used to own everything in the world; now it shares it's affluence with the other settlements. It's always bright here.
Celestial Gates, Skylight Field, Hikakage Office, Apartments
22Mission Board
Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:03 am
Vernos View latest post
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Hanegakure No Sato

Hanegakure for short is famous for it being surrounded by white grass. There are multi-coloured feathers falling from the sky at all times here. Once every 5 years the feathers all turn a fiery red and orange color- the reasons as to why are still a mystery.
Feather Doors, Feather Village, Hills of Feathers, Hakage Building
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Kigakure no Sato

This village has trees taller than mountains. The village is a giant tree itself that's aged over 1000 years. The village has roughly around 30k trees surrounding it that stretch about 100ft off the ground.
Wooden Elevator, Forest of Trees, Kikage's Office, The Streets
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Yamagakure no Sato

Yamagakure is a village thats hard to find. That is because it is hidden deep within the depths of the mountains that descend to the far west of the shinobi land. Why this village is hard to get to is because it is surround by a sea of lava, which gives the village the ultimate defense. This village has its own info board as well it is Here
Entry Cave, Yama Caverns, Kage Chamber, Town Center
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Donzokogakure no Sato

This village is hidden within a deep, deep hole. The hole is about 100ft in width and 300ft deep. The entry way has a barrier that, if touched, renders any enemy dazed and unprepared for battle.
Donzoko Barrier, Wasteland
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Land in between Lands

If you are traveling here is where you post stating where you are traveling from and your destination.
11General Informat...
Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:45 pm
Vernos View latest post
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